Monday, 17 December 2012

نظریه انحطاط ایران بیشتر از آنکه نظریه پردازي در حوزه علوم اجتماعی
.( باشد کوششی در قلمرو اندیشه و بویژه اندیشه سیاسی است" ( طباطبایی، 1374 
هبوط - گرایش مسلمانان از فلسفه به شریعت یا فقه برابر انحطاط است( طباطبایی، 1373 ، صص 130
فلسفه و اندیشه عقلی در تصوف از سویی ، و از سوي دیگر سیطره تفسیر شرعی شریعت ، به عنوان
یگانه درك از دیانت ، عامل عمده امتناع از زایش و شکست تجدد در ایران بوده است "( طباطبایی،
.( 1373 ،ص 287
این تفسیر تجدد ستیز، از سنت که نویسندگانی با دیدگاههاي گوناگون مانند ، داریوش شایگان ، آل احمد ، احسان نراقی ، علی شریعتی ، ..... اما همسو در جهت تصفیه حساب با تجدد نوپاي ایرانی را غرب زدگی عرضه کردند که البته ناشی از
جهل آنها به ماهیت اندیشه جدید غربی بود. اینان تنها تعبیري ایدئولوژیک و جامعه شناسانه ارائه دادند.
مشروعیت قدرت سیاسی در زمان فرمانروایی سامانیان و بوئیان به پیکار جدي با
عقلانیت مبدل گشت و روند انحطاط در ایران نه تنها کمتر نشد بلکه با هجوم مغولان شدید تر هم
شد و کورسوي امید نیز زایل گشت تا عصر صفویان که به عقیده برخی بارقه هاي حکومت ملی
در ایران زنده شد ، اما با غلبه ایدئولوژي شیعی و نفوذ روحانیون ، تحکمی جدید و از نوعی دیگر
هویدا گشت و خروج از انحطاط به تعویق انداخت. این روند تاعصر مشروطیت ادامه یافت و
ایرانیان به یمن آشنایی با ملل غرب ، چشم وگوششان باز شد و خواستار گشایشی در امور شدند.
اما چون در تاریخ ایران و واقعیت هاي اجتماعی ، این شعارها رنگی نداشتند به شعارهایی عوامانه
تبدیل گشت . گویا پیشانی- نوشت مردمان این مرز و بوم که در طول تاریخ حک خورده سیر در
.( کابوس زوال است "( هادوي ، 1380

Monday, 10 December 2012

Scheler: Guyau tells us a savage who cannot commit vendetta " consumes" himself, weakens and finally dies".

Thursday, 6 December 2012

once been the one

I have no idea when a man of almost 80 talks to me about " stream of consciousness" , "Joyce" , "Woolf" different works of "Dalli" , "Monet" and American painters I have never heard of ; complaining about his staff at a blablabla business office dealing with money going up down to heaven to hell , what the bloody hell to do.
He is so  calm and so white even the eyelashes,he thinks he's got a tenor voice, I wonder when he was again complaining about how he loved opera and what a pity it is he didn't end up a writer, could he listen to himself. he is not a tenor for sure he should be base always been at the shadow of the duet of the most beautiful lovely soprano and the full of proud tenor, thinking surely to himself what a pity he didn't end up in a tenor singer. or may be he decides to role the world over upside down making the Alto - Base voice the mainstream one.
he complains about the toilet flush, which is always making different noises, or the Chinese boy always being quiet or the dog always looking at him, but there is one thing he never complains about; my ignoring of whatever he says.
The dictionary supplied with Microsoft Word defines a
delusion as ‘a persistent false belief held in the face of strong
contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of psychiatric disorder’.
The first part captures religious faith perfectly. As to
whether it is a symptom of a psychiatric disorder, I am inclined to
follow Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance, when he said, ‘When one person suffers from a
delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from
a delusion it is called Religion.’
‘The world would be astonished if it knew how great a proportion of its brightest ornaments, of those most distinguished even in popular estimation for
wisdom and virtue, are complete sceptics in religion.’

The religious views of the Founding Fathers are of great interest to propogandists of today's American right, anxious to push their version of history. Contrary to their view, the fact that the United States was not founded as a Christian nation was early stated in the terms of a treaty with Tripoli, drafted in 1796 under George Washington and signed by John Adams in 1797:
'As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.'

Precisely because America is legally secular, religion has become free enterprise. Rival churches compete for congregations- not the least for the fat tithes that they bring- and the competition is waged with all the aggressive hard-sell techniques of the marketplace. What works for soap flakes works for God, and the result is something approaching religious mania among today's less educated classes. In England, by contrast, religion under the aegis of the established church has become little more than a pleasant social pastime, scarcely recognizable as religious at all.

The genie of religious fanaticism is rampant in present-day America, and the Founding Fathers would have been horrified.........the founders were most certainly secularists who believed in keeping religion out of politics....


You know there is really funny thing about this whole Christmas and all other kinds of celebrating a new day,
It does not matter you're a christian, Muslim, Jew whatever... your new day is the birth of your life guide Devin born Whoever What if he never was born how would people celebrate something? anything?

What if It was Australia where every thing started, would we still imagine the best christmass ever by the falling of the first snow ball?!

... Then Australia just like what Dawkins says, would be the top of the world, the north sphere! HahA a new map is needed now...